"Netizen" a familiar word to everyone that uses Internet. It is a person who becomes part of and participates in the larger Internet society, which recognizes few boundaries save language. The word comes from the combination of the terms Internet and Citizen. Netizens may contribute to specific groups around their interest, which can significantly vary. They may also organize a group through a variety of different Internet resources in order to accomplish something.
A netizen doesn't always have to accomplish something big, vital or important. Some trends in Internet groups are to do something completely frivolous. They may contribute to specific groups around their interest, which can significantly vary.
The word netizen seems to have two similar meanings. First is a citizen who uses the Internet as a way o participating in political society ( for example, exchanging views, providing information, and voting). Second is an Internet user who is trying to contribute to the Internets use and growth. As a powerful communications medium, the Internet seems to offer great possibilities for social change. It also creates a new culture and its own special issues, such as who shall have access to it. The implication is that the Internet users, who use and know most about it, have a responsibility to ensure that is used constructively while also fostering free speech and open access.
Most of these people are irresponsible enough in using the Internet. They surf Internet in watching ex-rated movies and pictures. Some use this in doing cyber sex to others to get money. But we must not to do all of these things. We must be a responsible netizen. Me, I know in my self that I am a responsible netizen. I only use Internet in useful and in important things like researching, doing projects and assignments.
I just want to end up this short essay in reminding each of us to be a responsible netizen. We should know our limitations in using the Internet.
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